Nuts and Bolts: Playwriting 101
April 1 - May 6, 2021
on Zoom.
Limited Seating
Are you interested in writing your first short play, improving your playwriting basics or simply joining a short-term writing group to give your skills a spring work out?
Join local playwright Michelle Zielinski in an exploration of the elements that make a good play. Please register for our interactive, 6-week online, introductory class offered by The Black Mirror Theatre Company.
Nuts and Bolts: Playwriting 101
Thursdays beginning April 1st-May 6th on Zoom
7:00pm-9:00pm CST
$30 Suggested donation for the course.
Action- It’s called a "play," not a "talk" after all.
Better dialogue through eavesdropping
Structure- What makes a play a play?
The usual suspects of character and conflict
Critique and collaboration with local production companies
Please contact Michelle Zielinski at blackmirrortheatrestl@gmail.com for more information.